Pepsi Is Following in Coca-Cola's Footsteps With This Big Announcement
Coca-Cola and PepsiCo have a longstanding rivalry. Regardless of your Cola Wars allegiance, the latest contest between the two powerhouses benefits
Both beverage firms have prioritized sustainability in recent years, and reducing plastic waste is a major focus. Coca-Cola normally leads this
category, especially after a significant announcement in late July. PepsiCo has ambitious green aspirations, and one of its recent investments
Recently, Pepsi Bottling Ventures (PBV), the biggest privately held maker and distributor of Pepsi products, announced a $35 million expansion
project for one of its Winston-Salem, N.C. production sites. The facility will receive a new bottling line that will expand Lipton Tea and Aquafina
production and allow for 100% recyclable bottle production. PBV expects the Winston-Salem warehouse to be built in 2023 and the new line to be operational by 2024.
PepsiCo, like Coca-Cola, has tested 100% recycled PET beverage bottles in many European markets. This U.S. facility update will help the
business reach its global goal. Pepsi will recycle, compost, or biodegrade 100% of its packaging worldwide by 2025 and offer more goods
PepsiCo Positive, or pep+, is "the company's strategic, end-to-end transformation that places sustainability and human capital at the
center of how it will create growth and value." The program prioritizes greenhouse gas reduction, regenerative agriculture, water management